Have you ever wondered what the stars have to say about you?

Our astrology chart reading services are designed to inspire and empower you with valuable cosmic insight to guide you on your journey of self-discovery.



  • This reading provides a comprehensive analysis of the entire birth chart and its major components. You will discover how the planetary energies present at your birth left their cosmic imprint on your soul and how those cosmic influences have shaped who you are and who you’re becoming. Unravel the mysteries of your relationships, career choices, life direction, and your innermost needs, desires, fears, shadows, talents, strengths and personal challenges.

  • As the planets orbit around the Sun, they periodically create angular relationships known as "aspects" to the planets in your natal chart. These are known as planetary transits. This reading follows the transits of the outer planets (Jupiter through Pluto), examining the aspects they make to planets in your birth chart. Discover how transits can bring new cycles, new experiences and new opportunities into your life! This reading is like a weather forecast that prepares you for the upcoming cosmic weather for the year ahead.

  • The North and South Nodes of the Moon, also known as the Lunar Nodes, are mathematically calculated points of energy where the orbits of the Sun and Moon intersect. The nodes will always oppose each other, creating a polarity in our charts that is reflected in our lives. They represent a dichotomy within ourselves that we’re learning how to balance as we move in the direction of our life path. This reading will delve into the axis of your lunar nodes, providing you with insight into your life’s direction, soul’s purpose, karmic debt, personal challenges and your cosmic advantages.

Questions to ponder…

  • Astrology comes from two Greek words, “astra” which means star, and “logos” which means words. This roughly translates to “the language of the stars.” It is the ancient study of how planetary movements and celestial phenomena foreshadow events that take place on earth. Astrology is not fatalism. You have free will to make your own choices. The planets do not cause things to happen. Their influence has an effect on us, but they do not compel us to behave in a certain manner. Rather, the cosmos is a direct reflection of what is already unfolding around us on earth. Astrology is synchronicity. It’s a powerful tool that can help you make sense of the complexities of the human experience without oversimplifying it or dictating how you should live your life. Astrology simply reveals the celestial influences at play in your life and provides you with insight on how to navigate those energies. Learning to work with planetary energies, rather than against them, allows you to live in rhythm with the Universe.

  • Your natal chart or “birth chart” is a representation of the exact positions of the planets and other celestial bodies at the time of your birth. Think of it like a screenshot of the sky that illustrates all of the magnificent planetary alignments in the heavens at the very moment you entered this world. Each component of the birth chart plays an important role in shaping your personality and the trajectory of your life path. The birth chart is a divine map of your soul that gives you directions for where you need to go, how to get there and what you need to work on along the way. It is a beautiful depiction of the exact moment when space, time, earth and sky came together for you.

  • Having your birth chart interpreted by a professional astrologer is an extremely clarifying and rewarding personal experience. While there is a lot of information on the internet about astrology and birth charts, an educated astrologer can utilize their unique knowledge and expertise to give you a much more in-depth understanding of your astrological identity. Astrology can reveal your innermost wounds, personal challenges and your Achilles heel, but it can also illuminate your unrecognized talents, strengths and celestial blessings. Our chart readings are designed to decode the language of the stars into personalized advice for your soul’s growth and evolution, and to help you develop a stronger sense of self-awareness as you learn about yourself in new, exciting ways! This knowledge becomes a powerful tool for recognizing and dismantling self-limiting beliefs, mindsets and behaviors that keep people stuck in repetitive cycles. An astrologer is a guide who translates the information for you, but it is up to you to embrace that knowledge and figure out how to apply it to your own life.

Meet Your Astrologer

My name is Rose Bagby and I am a professional Hellenistic and Evolutionary astrologer with over seven years of experience offering written astrological chart readings. I’ve been studying astrology for over a decade, and it is my mission to guide and support my clients by interpreting the cosmic wisdom of the stars. Astrology enlightens us with new perspectives, allowing us to make sense of our circumstances and navigate the ups and downs of life from a place of clarity and confidence.

Read more about Rose here.

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